Reading Hints & Tips

Tips for reading at home.
Below is a range of resources designed to support pupil’s acquire the skills they need to be successful learners in St Mary’s and beyond.

The resources are simply designed to be guides and as such some of the ideas maybe difficult for some children to use as every child is different and learn’s in their own way. If you wish to discuss these guides further, and other ways to support your child’s learning then please contact your class teacher.

Lexia at Home
We use Lexia® Core5® Reading which is a fun computer-based program that has helped millions of students. The activities in Core5 support and build on our classroom curriculum and focus on developing reading skills in six areas:

•phonological awareness
•structural analysis

Here’s how Lexia Core5 Reading works:

•Your child begins Core5 at a starting point that fits his or her needs and works in online activities throughout the week.
•Online activities include direct instruction and feedback as your child learns new skills.
•Progress and performance in the program is reported so teachers can provide help when needed.
•Paper-and-pencil activities are also used for practice and may be done in school or brought home.
•Achievement certificates may be sent home to celebrate success and to show progress in the program.

 Lexia Core5 Reading can be used at home for extra practice. Getting started is easy!
1. To use on a computer, go to
2. To use on an iPad or Android device, download the free Lexia Core5 Reading UK app.
3. The first time your child uses Core5, you may need to enter the teacher email shown below.
4. Your child can then log in with the username and password used at school and listed below.
It is important that your child works without any help while using Core5. All of the work your child does at home is recorded and reported to school. This way, teachers can see when help is needed and provide additional instruction.

Your child’s login details will be sent from your child’s class teacher. If you have any issues please contact the class teacher via your Tapestry account, and they will help you to resolve your problem.

Please see the document below if you are having difficulty logging on or downloading the Lexia app. This has the system requirements for using Lexia on either your phone, tablet, i-pad or pc.

Lexia Issues – We have had a few cases where an android device states that Lexia is not compatible as it forces the tablet to run lexia in a browser. If you change the settings to “use desktop version” it runs across almost all devices, please see fix below to see if this may help.

Thank you to one of our parents for this information.

Lexia Issues – We have had a few cases where an android device states that Lexia is not compatible as it forces the tablet to run lexia in a browser. If you change the settings to “use desktop version” it runs across almost all devices, please see fix below to see if this may help.

Thank you to one of our parents for this information.

Parental Guides and Information
The Book Trust have lots of ideas on how to develop a passion for reading with your child, simply click this link.

Guide to encouraging reading

10 top tips

1. Choose a quiet time.
Ten to fifteen minutes is usually long enough with no distractions. Turn off the radio and TV.

2. Read every day and make it fun.
Listen to your child read every day and read to your child every day, at bedtime, over breakfast etc. Use different voices when reading.

3. Maintain the flow.
With early readers encourage your child to point to the words as they read. If they mispronounce a word give them time to self correct. Sometimes it is better to keep the flow of reading going by giving your child the word rather than them trying to sound it out.

4. Be positive.
Boost your child’s confidence with constant praise for having a go, especially when reading new words. Use a chart to tick each time you read together. Reward the reading at the end of each week.

5. Success is the key.
Do not give your child a book that is too difficult. Success leads to success. If it is too hard the understanding is lost and children become reluctant readers.

6. Visit the library or charity shops.
A new book every week (which probably won’t set you back more than 30p or so) is a wonderful reward, a great trip out, the child can choose and it is all part of the reading experience.

7. Communicate.
Report on progress in the school reading diary. Your child will know that you are interested in their progress and value reading.

8. Talk about books.
Always talk to your child about the book; about the pictures, the characters, how they think the story will end, their favourite part. You will then be able to see how well they have understood and you will help them to develop good comprehension skills.

9. Variety is important.
Remember children need to experience a variety of reading materials eg. picture books, hard backs, comics, magazines, poems, and information books.

10. Play word games on the go.
In the car, restaurants, waiting rooms… – I spy; word association (first word you think of when I say ‘cat’); make a sentence using each letter in turn of the car registration plate in front.