Class 1 - Early Years and Year 1

“We are the best class at Norham as we have the most fun. In our class we work hard to improve and set the highest standards in the school. We are all good friends and help each other when we are stuck, so we always try our best.”

Year 1 School Councillors

Who is in Our class

Key Facts

  • 12 children
  • 1 teacher & 1 teaching assistant.
  • A focus on outdoor and practical approaches to learning.
  • Access to targeted resources to improve language and skills in all curriculum areas.
  • A new outdoor area to promote independent learning through investigation.
  • High level of ICT resources, supporting learning and development across the curriculum.
  • Targeted provision to support vulnerable children moving into and through the Key Stage.

Things we like to do

  • Outdoor learning, especially investigations and nature based activities.
  • Any type of PE, but especially with NUFC Foundation coaches.
  • Working together to solve mysteries that Miss Short creates for us.
  • Art work, we really enjoyed creating self portraits with different types of media, they made us look fantastic.
  • Working with the community, such as the Church.
  • Working with our friends at St Mary's and going on trips together.
  • Going on visits to discover new things.