SEND & Pastoral Support

SEND Offer @ Norham

Inclusive practice to meet the needs of all our pupils is at the heart of all our teaching at Norham. All staff are passionate in delivering inclusive teaching and learning, so we are able to develop the correct level of challenge to allow all pupils to reach their full potential.

How we know if a child has special educational needs?

  • Teachers continually review the progress made by each child in their class in order to identify any potential barriers or difficulties with learning or socialisation.  If any concern is noted this will be discussed with the child’s parents.
  • Teachers meet half-termly with the senior leadership team (SLT) to discuss pupil progress and provision.  Any concerns will be discussed specifically with the Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) at these meetings.
  • An open dialogue between parents and the school is encouraged.  If a parent has a concern about their child they should discuss this in the first instance with the class teacher.  If concerns persist parents may make an appointment to meet the SENDCO.
  • Class teachers ensure that children’s individual needs are catered for appropriately within their classroom, whilst the SENDCO provides advice regarding which strategies and/or intervention programmes may be appropriate.
  • The SENDCO makes referrals to external agencies/professionals if this is agreed to be appropriate (due to the nature/complexity of the child’s difficulty).  Referrals are only made with parental support.

What we do to help children with special educational needs

  • It is our vision that all children should be fully included in their class regardless of need, as we believe that peer support and role models provide a very positive influence.  In addition we believe it the right of every child to experience the full range of teaching and experiences on offer at Norham.
  • Class teachers consider the individual needs of the children within their class when planning.  Additional resources, modifications or support from an adult or peer may be identified as necessary in order that children with additional needs can achieve within lessons.
  • Some children require targeted intervention in small groups or 1:1.  The progress of children involved in intervention programmes is carefully tracked, so as to ensure that intervention programmes are effective.
  • A small number of children require a personalised work programme due to the complexity of their additional needs.  This is planned by the class teacher with support from the SENDCO.
  • Teaching assistants may work directly with children who have additional needs for some of their time at school.  This may be in the form of support during lessons or withdrawal in order to participate in intervention, enrichment or mentoring programmes.
  • Parents and teachers of children who are on the school’s special educational needs register meet formally three times a year  to review progress, provision and to identify next steps. When necessary the SENDCO will also meet parents.
  • Outside specialists may support the needs of some pupils if this is deemed appropriate.

How we adapt our teaching for children with special educational needs

  • Where necessary, learning objectives may be simplified in order to accurately match a child’s stage of development, so as to ensure they can make progress within every lesson.
  • Children with specific learning difficulties may record their learning using alternative methods.  For example, a dyslexic child may produce a mind map to demonstrate knowledge, rather than being expected to produce a piece of extended writing.
  • Additional resources and/or scaffolds may be provided.  For example, a number square may be provided to help with calculation.
  • Appropriately pitched questions are directed at children, so that all can be actively involved in whole class teaching sessions.

How we decide what resources we can give to a child/young person with special educational needs

  • The school’s SEND budget is used to fund additional adult support in class, at playtimes and so that intervention, enrichment and mentoring programmes can take place; to buy any specialist support, and/or resources which are necessary to ensure access to the curriculum; to cover the cost of training in order to build staff skills.
  • Resources are allocated in line with each child’s needs, as identified.
  • Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan will have their own allocated budget.

How we check that a child is making progress and how we keep parents informed

  • Teachers mark and assess each child’s learning and achievement towards targets on a weekly basis in order to check that they are making progress.
  • Both ongoing and formal assessment data is discussed with SLT at half-termly pupil progress review meetings
  • The SENDCO tracks and analyses attainment and progress data annually for all children on the SEND register.
  • Children involved in intervention programmes are assessed at the start and end of the program in order to measure impact.
  • There are three parents’ evenings per year where progress will be discussed with parents of all children including those on the Special Needs register.  Teachers may contact parents, or vice versa, in order that concerns regarding progress can be discussed more frequently and to provide advice on supporting children at home.
  • Parents of children on the Special Needs register may also meet formally with the SENDCO and class teacher if required.  External professionals may be invited to these meetings.   In exceptional circumstances more frequent meetings may be requested by any party in order that concerns regarding progress can be discussed more frequently and to provide advice on how to support children at home.
  • Teachers write an annual report for all children during the summer term.  These are shared with parents during the summer parents meeting.
  • The school arranges practical presentations on such topics as phonics, reading and maths in order to build parent’s skills, so that they are more confident and able to support their children at home through-out the year.

Support we offer for children’s health and general well-being

  • All staff are responsible for providing pastoral, medical and social support to the children within their classes and the wider school. This includes supporting children with behavioural difficulties.  Responsibility is shared by all supervising adults on duty at play and lunchtimes.  In the case of children with complex needs or attendance issues, the  SENDCO may provide additional support to the child and family.
  • Our Personal, Health and Social Education programme (PHSE) includes teaching children about christian values and healthy lifestyles.  PHSE is taught at an age-appropriate level in class and is the focus for many assemblies.
  • Parents of children who have a medical condition must notify the school, so our medical register is accurate.
  • Children who have serious or chronic medical needs must have a medical plan identifying what their condition is and what care needs to be provided as a result.  If your child has a serious medical condition you must ensure that you make an appointment with the SENCO, so that a plan can be drawn up.
  • If your child has an asthma pump or Epipen you must ensure that these are labelled (child’s name and class) and handed to the school office, so that they can be stored in the medical room.
  • If your child needs prescribed medicines these should, where possible, be administered at home.  If medicine needs to be administered during the school day you must request a form from the school office and ensure that this is filled in and returned to school.  Medicines will not be administered if this procedure has not been followed.  A fridge is available in the medical room to store medicines that need to be refrigerated.
  • At Norham we embrace children’s views and ideas.  Our creative curriculum and independent learning time encourage children to have ownership over their own learning by allowing them some element of choice.  School council, pupil questionnaires and interviews are used to help us understand children’s barriers to learning, their emotional well-being and how we can support them more effectively in all areas of school life.

Specialist external services we use when we think extra help is needed

  • We have access to a range of external agencies including socialists in Autism, Behaviour management, communication, Literacy, Speech and Language, Educational Psychology, etc. We also have a strong liaison with the Local Special School who can offer additional support when requested on a range of complex and high needs.
  • An NHS Speech and Language Therapist  and dedicated School Nurse supports us in school.
  • The SENDCO liaises with social care and therapeutic services in order to ensure families can be supported in times of need, or to build parenting skills.
  • Other external services are commissioned in when needed.

How we include children in activities and school trips

  • Our philosophy at Norham is to include all children in our enrichment programme including attending school trips.  Children with additional needs may need special consideration in order to ensure that they can participate, for example by ensuring that 1:1 support is available for a child with complex needs.
  • Parents are often invited to school trips to provide an appropriate level of supervision and reassurance, so by ensuring the safety and emotional well-being of all.

How we prepare for children joining our school and leaving our school

  • Parents of children with additional needs will be invited to meet with the SENDCO prior to their child starting at Norham  in order that the school has a good understanding of the child’s needs and can insure appropriate support and provision is in place.
  • If appropriate, introductory visits or part-time arrangements will be made for children with complex needs.
  • The SENDCO liaises with colleagues in nurseries, pre-school settings and secondary schools in order to ensure appropriate transition arrangements are in place.
  • Year Six teachers plan lessons during the summer term in order to prepare children for Secondary school.
  • Visits to local middle schools are arranged for children who will be transferring to them.
  • There are clear transition arrangements made at the end of each academic year for individual pupils to ensure a smooth handover.

How parents are involved in school life

  • Our school encourages an open dialogue with parents.  We value parents’ contributions and knowledge and strive to work in partnership in order to ensure children can progress and reach their full potential.
  • We encourage parents who have a special skill or knowledge to come into school and share this with the children.  If you would like to share your skill/knowledge please speak to your child’s teacher.
  • Parental involvement sessions are planned regularly where parents are invited into the school/classroom to participate in or celebrate children’s learning.  These are advertised in school newsletters.
  • Parents are invited to their children’s class assembly, parent drop-in  and show & tell sessions.  These are held half termly and advertised in the newsletter.
  • There are often opportunities for parents to provide additional support for example as a volunteer reader.  If you would like to volunteer your services please speak to your child’s class teacher.
  • Parents are asked to complete a questionnaire annually.
  • Parents are invited to class meetings, training, parents’ evenings and other events.

Who to contact for more information or to discuss a concern

  • Parents should contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance.
  • If you are the parent of a child with additional needs and are considering applying for a place at Norham for your child, you may wish to contact the SENDCO to discuss his / her needs and how they could be met.
  • For additional information on school policy please see our SEND Policy

For admission requirements please review our Admissions Procedure

For accessibility issues please review our Accesibility Policy and Plan

For equality information please refer to our Equality Statement

For information on children with medical needs please refer to our Medical needs in schools policy.

For any complaints please refer to our Complaints Policy 

Miss Pearson is the SENDCO and has overall responsibility for all children who have additional needs.  Please phone the school if you would like to make an appointment.

Our offer to children with special educational needs and disabilities was prepared in August 2020.  This is a fluid document and is continually reviewed in order to ensure our practice and provision is in line with the needs of pupils and may therefore change.

For further information in relation to statuary guidance and how the Local Authority meets its SEND requirements use the links below:

Below is a list of useful website links that may provide further information:

  • Addiss – The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service.
  • British Dyslexia Association – The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. Our vision is that of a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to reach their potential.
  • British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) – BILD is committed to improving the quality of life for the 1.2 million people in the UK with a learning disability.
  • British Stammering Association – Information, resources and help to do with stammering
  • Cerebra – A charity that helps provide information, support and research for children with neurological conditions.
  • Contact a Family – Provides advice and information and support to the parents and carers of all disabled children.
  • Council for Disabled Children – A national forum for the discussion, development and dissemination of policy and practice issues for disabled children and young people and those with special educational.
  • Department for Education (DFE) – The Department for Education was formed on 12 May 2010 and is responsible for education and children’s services.
  • Disabled Children Team – Have certain responsibilities for disabled children and young people in Northumberland
  • Disability North – Provides independent information and advice on a wide range of disability issues (including equipment and adaptation) to disabled people.
  • Down’s Syndrome Association– Information and support on all aspects of living with Down’s syndrome
  • Dyslexia North East – Offer advice and information. Are run by volunteers who care about improving opportunities and support for those affected by dyslexia and related conditions such as ADHD and Dyspraxia and Autism.
  • I CAN – I CAN is the charity that helps children with speech and language difficulties across the UK. The charity works to create a society where their special needs are recognised, understood and met, so that they have the same opportunities in life as other children.
  • Inclusion Website on the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) – Information, news, legislation and advice on issues related to Inclusion
  • IPSEA – A national charity that provides free legal based advice for families who have children with special educational needs. 15
  • Mencap – Mencap is the UK’s leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
  • National Autistic Society – The NAS exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.
  • National Deaf Children’s Society – The National Deaf Children’s Society is the only UK charity solely dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them.
  • Northumberland Disabled Children’s Register (Infolink) – A voluntary data base held by Children’s Services for children with disabilities. Families receive regular newsletters which contains information of interest to parents of disabled children. Also provide Max cards for those on the register that offers discounted or free entry to some of Northumberland and Newcastle attractions.
  • Royal National Institute for the Blind – RNIB are UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems
  • Royal National Institute of the Deaf (RNID) – RNID campaigns in many ways to make daily life better for deaf and hard of hearing people. We also support deaf and hard of hearing people by providing free information via our helplines, running vital services, supporting scientific and technological research, and running the RNID Typetalk telephone relay service. And we help other organisations to provide better services to their deaf and hard of hearing employees and customers.
  • SCOPE – Scope is a disability organisation in England and Wales whose focus is people with cerebral palsy. Our aim is that disabled people achieve equality: a society in which they are as valued and have the same human and civil rights as everyone else.
  • SEBDA – SEBDA is a charitable organisation that exists to promote excellence in services for children and young people who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • SENSE – Sense is the UK’s leading organisation for people who are deafblind or have associated disabilities.
  • The Alan Shearer Centre – Is a specialist recreational, sensory and social resource for disabled people of all ages and caters to a wide spectrum of need.
  • Toby Henderson Trust – An independent charity for Autism based near Morpeth

Our pastoral approach to social and emotional needs.

Our whole school approach allows adults to support children in a targeted way to help them be emotionally and socially ready for life.

Based on the latest research in neuroscience, attachment theory and child development, our approach by trained practitioners allows us to assess gaps in a child’s development and plan to support the child in acquiring the social and emotional skills they need.

The approach is used throughout the school to plan for whole class development and helps to create positive relationships and interactions between peers. An initial class assessment enables class teachers to identify particular strands to work on, such as how to have different opinions without falling out or how to recognise when someone is unhappy or upset.

As a school we recognise the value in preparing children emotionally for the challenges they face in life, through building strength in their mental well-being as fellas their academic knowledge and skills.

For more information please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with one of the staff, (Tel: 01289 306170)

School Mental Health Lead and Well-being Support

Mr Hilton is the school’s Senior Mental Health Lead. Supporting families and children he is able to work with a range of services to provide the necessary guidance and signposting to enable the school to provide a robust approach to meeting the demands of mental health in Norham.

As the senior Mental Health Lead, he receives regular training form local and national training providers, ensuring best practice in the school and supporting the training needs of all staff.