Home Learning and Home School Agreement

Home reading & on-line reading logs.

Children will be receiving home reading books as normal this year, which will be changed each Wednesday.

Our traditional written home reading logs however are being replaced with Tapestry on-line. All we ask is parents send in a weekly Tapestry post when reading with their child. You can of course include a picture, but more importantly please just provide a comment on how your child has read. The new on-line system will also allow you to directly ask the teacher a question in relation to your child’s reading, which should hopefully help to quicken the progress they make.

Records of the books your child has read including the comments made by parents will then be recorded by the teacher, simply replacing the previous written method in the home reading logs.

A reward  will be given at the end of each term to all children who has a weekly tapestry comment from home in relation to achieving a set amount of reading, so please make sure you add a comment weekly.

Phonics and Early Reading: Nursery and Reception

Children will be sent ‘High frequency Words Sheets’  home to practice half termly, with the children being continually assessed on word recognition throughout the year during their time in school. The children do not sit tests, the teachers simply assessed the children in their general learning and play.

Spellings: Year 1- Year 4

The children will receive weekly targeted spellings that will be sent home via their tapestry accounts. The spellings will be sent on a Friday, with a spelling test in school the following Friday. Sending them via tapestry will ensure none are lost and you will always have a record of what your child is learning .

Times Tables and number

The children will receive weekly times tables or number bonds/recognition tests, again these will be sent home on a Friday via the child’s Tapestry account. The children will then be tested on the following Friday.

Times Tables Rockstar: Years 3-4

Children will have access to this safe app to practice their times tables knowledge and skills from home via the internet. The children all have their login details, but if you have any issues please contact the class teacher to help resolve any issues.

E – Home Learning

In addition to the homework set by the school, your child can also access their ‘school 360’ account at home via the internet. School 360 includes a range of software your child regularly uses in school, providing safe and age appropriate learning and games for your child to enjoy. If you require any assistance on how to access your child’s account please just let us know, we will confirm login details and how best to access.

Your child will also be able to access their Lexia and Doodle accounts at home on-line. They have all been provided with their appropriate login details, however if you have any issues please contact your class teacher via Tapestry to resolve any issue.

Home School Agreement

At Norham school it is important that parents, pupils and staff, respecting each others contributions, work together to achieve the highest possible levels of success for all pupils.

Why do we need a Home School Agreement?

  • It acts as a reminder of commitments.
  • It underpins the school’s ethos and stated beliefs.
  • It acts as a clear starting point for new pupils, their parents and the school staff.
  • It provides a starting point for exploring difficulties.

This Home School Agreement was drawn up after consultation with parents and pupils to gather their views. It was then drafted and finalised by a group of parent volunteers, the teaching staff and the full governing body. It is reviewed annually.

The school will aim to:

  • treat all children fairly and keep them safe and happy.
  • provide high quality teaching and support by means of a rich and innovative curriculum, taking account of the children’s individual needs.
  • encourage children to be self-motivated and enthusiastic learners..
  • challenge and support all children reach their full potential.
  • explain to children how they are progressing in their learning and what they need to do to improve their learning.
  • encourage children to develop a spiritual awareness.
  • show children how to develop a sense of responsibility, independence and self-esteem by emphasising that they are each unique and valued.
  • show children how to be thoughtful, kind, caring and to speak politely to all children and adults.
  • encourage children to understand their role in the wider community.
  • communicate effectively with parents about general school issues, work done in school and the progress of their child.
  • listen openly to children’s/parents’ problems and concerns connected with school work or relationships.
  • be welcoming and provide opportunities for parental involvement in school life.
  • start and finish the school day punctually.
  • make available all relevant school policies for information.
  • help pupils to recognise and protect themselves from online abuse or bullying and misuse of social media.

Pupils will try to:

  • show kindness, consideration and respect to all.
  • be ready and willing to learn and do their best.
  • listen to others and to follow instructions.
  • to stand up for what is right and to think through what I say and do carefully.
  • allow others in class to learn effectively.
  • speak politely and to be honest.
  • show self control and behave in a sensible manner.
  • support and care for everyone in the school.
  • take care of their own appearance and belongings and the property of others.
  • set a good example to others.
  • follow the school, classroom and playground code of conduct.
  • make every effort to complete home tasks on time and to the best of their ability in the set time given.
  • ask if they need help with their learning and with their relationships at school and at home.

Parents/Guardians will aim to:

  • ensure their child comes to school every day, on time and prepared for learning.
  • ensure their child attends school in term time unless they are ill.
  • ensure their child is wearing clothing in line with school uniform recommendations and that their PE kit is in school every day.
  • collect their child punctually, and advise the school if they are going to be late or if there is a change to the pick up arrangements at the end of the day.
  • inform the school of any issues which might affect their child’s work or behaviour .
  • encourage good behaviour, politeness, self respect and respect for others and their property.
  • encourage their child’s learning in all areas of life and support them with their homework.
  • support school ethos and ways of working.
  • be available to have a meeting with adults in school about any challenges in learning and behaviour.
  • attend parents’ consultation meetings and support school activities wherever possible.
  • follow the school policy and procedures relating to the use of mobile technology and social media.
  • ensure careful and considerate parking at the school entrances and respect safety regulations on school premises.

Our Governing Body will carry out their legal responsibilities to the school and ensure that:

  • school policies provide care and safety for every pupil.
  • the school strives to give the best education for every pupil.
  • funding received by the school will be used efficiently to support learning.
  • Governors will visit the school regularly and make it a priority to raise academic standards in the school.
  • Governors meet regularly to carry out their functions.